Academy for Educational Development (Washington, D.C.) ACCU Translation Services Ltd. (Translation agency, Burlington, Canada) Amérique Latine Montréal (Translation agency, Montréal, Canada) Amnesty International (Canada) Bata Shoe Organization (Canada) British Airways (London, England) Canadian Association for Latin America & the Caribbean (Academic institution) Canadian Auto Workers Union Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (Toronto) Canadian Red Cross Catholics for a Free Choice (Washington, D.C.) Center for Global Development (Washington, D.C.) Center for Policy Analysis on Trade and Health (CPATH) (San Francisco, California) Center for Reproductive Rights (New York) Consumers International Head Office (London, England) CTV Television Network (Canada) Equality Now (New York) Fenco Engineering, Inc. (Canada) Government of Canada (Secretary of State) Government of Ontario (Multilingual Translation Unit) Graphic Resources, Inc. (Beltsville, Maryland) Helios Translations (Translation agency, Oakville, Canada) Hispanex Inc. (Translation agency, Boston) Human Rights Watch (New York) Institut für Iberoamerika-Kunde (University of Hamburg) Institute of International Education (New York) Inter-American Dialogue (Washington, D.C.) Jaguar Cars Ltd. (London, England) Kalo Inc. (Chemicals, Kansas) Lac Minerals Ltd. (Mining, Canada) Language Solutions (Translation agency, Apex, North Carolina) Le Groupe-conseil baastel ltée. (Translation agency, Hull, Canada) Merrel-Dow Corporation (Canada) Omni Interpreting & Translation Network (Translation agency, Thousand Oaks, California) Ontario Ministry of Culture (Canada) Ontario Ministry of Labour (Canada) Osgoode Technical Translations (Translation agency, Toronto) Oxford Analytical Instruments Ltd. (London, England) Paragraphe Communications Inc. (Translation agency, Toronto) Partners of the Americas (Washington, D.C.) Settlement Workers in Schools (Toronto) Scotiabank Translation Services (Montréal) SUN Microsystems Corporation (U.S.) Swim Media Inc. (Toronto) The de Havilland Corporation (Toronto) The Newshour with Jim Lehrer (Denver, Colorado) The Riecken Foundation (Washington, D.C.) The World Bank (Washington, D.C.) The World Federation of Boy Scouts (London, England) TNT Express Worldwide (London, England) Toronto City Hall Toronto Department of Public Health United Church of Canada Vera Institute of Justice (New York) Womens Caucus for Gender Justice (New York)
Agriculture & Livestock Service (Government of Chile) Agri-Food Producers Association (Trade association) Andes Investments Chile Limited (Chile) (Asset management) Arauco Resources Corporation Ltd. (Mining and prospecting) Artesanías de Chile Foundation (Government Foundation) Planned Parenthood Association of Chile (Research institute) Celulosa Arauco y Constitución (Pulp & paper) Center for Womens Studies (Research institute) Chiles Americas Board (Binational grant-making institution) Chilean Copper Commission (Cochilco) (Government of Chile) Chilean Exporters Association (Trade association) Chilean Printers Association (Trade association) Chilean Trade Commission (ProChile) (Government of Chile) Christian Humanism University Academy (Gender Program) Civil Registry and Identity Service (Government of Chile) Corporación de Investigaciones para el Desarrollo (CINDE) (Education research institute) Diego Portales University Directorate General for International Economic Relations (Government of Chile) Diseñadores Asociados Ltda. (High-end publishing) EarthAction Network (International NGO) Eduardo Frei Foundation (Presidential archives) Electrowatt Ingenieros Consultores (Chile) (Engineering consultants) Embassy of Canada Embassy of Denmark Establecimientos La Polar (Retail chain) FCMI Chile Financial Corporation S.A. (Asset management) FCMI Toronto Mining S.A. (Asset management) Federation of Food Processing Industries of Chile Foreign Investment Committee (Government of Chile) Forestal Arauco S.A. (Logging) Informática del Pacífico (Information technology) ITV Editores Ltda. (High-end publishing) LanChile S.A. (Air carrier) Larraín Vial S.A. (Stockbrokers) Los Andes University Luis Mackenna y Cía. (Law office) Mantos de Oro Mining Co. (Gold mining) Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ministry of Public Works (Infrastructure concession programs) Ministry of the Government Secretary-General Moneda Asset Management S.A. National Energy Commission (Government of Chile) National Science and Technology Research Commission (Conicyt) (Government of Chile) National Tourist Board (Sernatur) (Government of Chile) Pan Atlantic Bank and Trust Limited (Chile) (Asset management) Partnership for Educational Revitalization in the Americas (International NGO) Piston Hydraulics of Canada (Chile) (Industrial parts) Placer Dome Inc. (Gold mining) Portaluppi, Guzmán y Bezanilla Ltda. (Law office) Princeton Mining Co. (Mining and prospecting) Procter & Gamble Chile Inc. Production Development Corporation of Chile (Corfo) (Government of Chile) Prudential Securities (Chile) Inc. (Asset management) Regional Government of Valparaíso (Governors Office) Reproductive Medicine Institute of Chile (Private foundation) Simon-Carves Fenco Chile S.A. (Mining consultants) Sindelen S.A. (Home appliance manufacturers) Toronto Trust (Chile) (Asset management) Toronto Trust Investments (Barbados) Limited (Asset management) Transap S.A. (Railways) University of Valparaíso (Office of the President) Viña Almaviva S.A. (Winery) Viña Concha y Toro S.A. (Winery) Viña La Rosa Ltda. (Winery)
International Communication Solutions Ltda.
Specialist Translators & Language Consultants
General Pedro Pablo Dartnell 1540
Ñuñoa - Santiago, Chile 7750399
Tel.: (562) 2893-1969